Women Interests News

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60% of people who work multiple hourly jobs are women: ‘They will do what they have to do’

CNBC | Tuesday, March 19, 2024 
60% of People Who Work Multiple Hourly Jobs are Women: ‘They will do what they have to do’

Four years after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, women are back at work — and taking jobs or looking for them at a higher rate than they were before it started. In February 2020, 77% of women ages 25 to 54 participated in the labor force, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In February 2024, 77.7% of women in that age group were participating. That’s nearing June 2023′s peak of 77.8%, the highest rate since 2007. “Prime age women, so women between the ages of 25 and 54, are unequivocally driving the labor market recovery from the Covid recession,” says Lauren Bauer, a fellow in economic studies at the Brookings Institution and the associate director of its policy proposals initiative The Hamilton Project. For a lot of women, reentering the labor force does not necessarily mean finding just one job. Scheduling software company Deputy recently analyzed 81,413,785 shifts of 420,219 hourly U.S. workers and found a rise in people taking on multiple gigs. “Our data showcases a substantial increase in poly-employment across Deputy platforms, more than doubling since 2021,” says Silvija Martincevic, CEO of Deputy. And 60% of those taking on multiple roles are women. Here’s why experts think women are doubling up…Read more

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