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The mission of is to reliably and conveniently offer consumers breaking news headlines with accompanying news briefs in relevant categories 24/7. The news items are from up to thousands of reputable USA and global media sources daily. Our mission also includes offering blogs, podcasts, press release promotion and directories that promote companies goods and services in specified categories. That includes focusing on helping consumers to conveniently find significant bargains and money saving services offered by up to thousands of companies – all easily accessible from
Yes… We now offer breaking news headlines with accompanying news briefs 24/7 in close to 400 distinct categories at Each category is a newsroom that features news relevant to the topic. For example, there is a newsroom for every U.S. state and each of those newsrooms features news that relate to the specified state. Similarly there is a newsroom for each global region, country and sport. Additionally there are newsrooms covering technology, media, health, family, entertainment, special interests, finance and business news. At any time of day, up to 25 relevant headlines with accompanying news briefs appear in a newsroom at and may be from as many as 25 targeted news sources.
No they are not copied and pasted. The news items are direct RSS feeds to the news pages at This allows headlines and news briefs to be continuously updated automatically, as they break on the news feeder sites. Based on this design, consumers can visit the news pages at several times daily to see the latest news on a chosen topic.
Our affiliated news provider collates RSS news feeds from various reputable media into specified categories. For example, at any time of day the healthcare newsroom at can feature up to 25 related news items gathered from as many sources. That allows our visitors to quickly see multiple relevant news items while visiting any of our news pages.
Yes they surely can. Each news item in every newsroom at consists of a headline with live link to the news feeder’s website, also the date and time of the news as well as the news brief. When our visitors click on a news headline, they will land on the news feeder’s web page where they can read the related news item in its entirety.
Some unique reasons to like and visit our news pages several times daily are: (1.) The news is continuously updated automatically on the news pages at from the feeder sites. (2.) The headlines and news briefs seen on the previous visit can be different or more current than during the previous visit. (3.) Each news page at is engineered to continuously gather news feeds on the relevant news page topic, from multiple sources. (4.) On each visit to a newsroom/news page at a consumer can read several desired news items entirely from the news feeder(s) website(s) while remaining on the news page at That is so because every news headline on the news pages at opens the news feeder’s website in a new window. (5.) Additionally, a popular, recent news item is featured at the top of each news page above the breaking news headlines and may remain there for days. It is there for consumers who may have missed it earlier.
Yes! Advertisers and consumers surely can mutually benefit from our news pages especially because of the following reasons: (1.) There are 116 targeted news pages on our website with popular, necessary breaking news that consumers typically read often, for example health news, consumer news, technology news, family news such as kids news, women’s interests news, animals news, travel news, entertainment news, sports news and many more – pages where relevant advertisers can place their ads to reach a target audience looking for similar news and information. (2.) We operate four news directories at that guide consumers to all of our targeted news rooms. Advertisers can place related ads on them to reach relevant consumers while the consumers are looking for related news from those directories. (3.) We also operate three other news directories with links to over 200 news pages: [a.] to access newsrooms for all US states, [b.] to access international news by regions, [c.] to access world news by countries. Advertisers can also place ads on those news pages and directories to display their advertisements – continuous exposure that can drive a tremendous amount of awareness to their brands, grow their businesses significantly and generate revenue. We also often update breaking news headlines on our homepage liked to news pages. An advertiser also can place ad on our homepage, where it can be continuously viewed by many frequent users and new visitors.
Many of our breaking news pages at can be reached from daily news updates on our homepage but all of our news pages are accessible from seven news directories on our site. Links to the news directories are prominently placed at the top and right side on each of our pages to ensure that our visitors can easily access all news pages here at
Yes we feature “The Patrick O’Neil News-line” here at It provides daily audio news roundup on popular issues that are typically important to consumers. The news-line is professionally produced and read by veteran radio personality and journalist Patrick O’Neil, this site’s founder.
Yes they surely can! Opportunities are provided for sponsors to air brief ads during “The Patrick O’Neil News-line” presentations. Their ads can also be placed on the page at where the links to the newscasts are placed. That will allow advertisers and consumers to mutually benefit from “The Patrick O’Neil News-line”.
Yes we write and feature blogs at We are focused on featuring a range of popular blog topics that cover information that’s typically very helpful to consumers. Topics that we are focused on include health, finance, travel, technology, arts, lifestyle, insurance, food, relationships and others.
Yes they most definitely can. (1.) Advertisers who offer goods or services that match what we are blogging about can advertise on those blogs – placing their relevant ads that allow blog reading consumers to have easy access to their websites and likely do business. (2.) We also write blogs for our advertisers about the goods and services they offer to consumers. Our focus is to identify what’s unique and/or useful about the advertisers’ goods or services and blog about them in an effort to help consumers learn more about the offers as quickly as possible.
Yes we produce and feature podcasts here at We operate podcast channels and feature podcasts that we produce for advertisers on various relevant topics. The podcasts are designed to educate and help consumers make informed decisions.
We offer to feature press releases here at for our advertisers. When published, those press releases will always be in relevant categories and accessible from the ‘Press Release Directory’. Additionally, there are related press releases that we write and publish on this site. Those press releases are accessible from the ‘Media Room’ link below.
Yes this website features a Bargains and More Directory to feature significant discounts. The bargains at times can be more than 50% off. So it’s a good idea to be a frequent visitor. This directory also promotes businesses in relevant categories. Every advertiser’s page will consist of written informational content and can include a relevant YouTube video ad, audio ad; excerpt of a press release and advertisement as well as link to the advertiser’s targeted web-page, where consumers may learn more and shop.
Yes we operate a Weekly Business Highlights directory here at Every week we will research advertisers’ contents and creatively write highlights about the goods and services they offer.
Yes, we also operate a Business Listings directory here at The listing for each company features the business name, complete mailing address, telephone number, website address and a brief description about the goods or services offered. The published information is as verified by the advertiser and all listings are published in relevant categories.
Yes, we also operate “The South Florida Business Directory” here at It promotes businesses that are located in South Florida that target especially local consumers. However it also promotes companies located anywhere else in the USA that target South Florida consumers with their goods and services.
Yes, our parent company Patrick O’Neil Media Network Inc offers additional creative promotional opportunities. Those include radio and television ad spot buying and placements, lead generation and others. Please click the corporate link below to learn more.
Why Newsrooms are Unique
Founded by our president – an experienced Radio Broadcaster and Journalist of award winning work, our news pages here at connect users to continuous breaking news collated from reputable media – locally, nationally and globally. You can confidently visit our news directories often from the links under ‘more news’ to easily access our breaking news pages. You will be able to quickly read automatically updated headlines and news briefs from up to 25 media sources on each newsroom (page), designed by categories. Users may also find bargains from Ads and promotions on our site including in our soon to be launched “Bargains Shopping Directory“. Learn more also from the “Research to help Consumers” link…
Copyright © 2002-2025 Patrick O’Neil Media Network Inc. / Promotions via Internet, Print, Radio & Television. All rights reserved.